Ethan Kim
Throughout my life, I have taken an unorthodox approach to whatever I do. At my core, I am an individual who loves to perform and be in front of others. I channeled this interest and honed my craft to make a difference in high school. Whether it was creating music videos to raise over 200,000 pounds of food for the city, or placing 7th in the nation in Speech and Debate and inspiring others to find their voice, I have seen the incredible impact of a word, laughter, and entertainment. The right word at the right time has the power to make all the difference–comfort the sad, lighten the tense, or bond a group. I understand what’s been in my hands this entire time. Challenges in life are inevitable, but I intend to laugh along the way and bring as many people with me as I can.
I am incredibly grateful to have the Bridge Foundation embrace my uniqueness and believe in me and what I will be able to contribute to society in the years to come It encourages me to keep breaking molds and stereotypes and work for positive change in the world as I attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and beyond.